Are you trading your traditional dentures for implant-stabilized dentures? Implant-retained or implant-stabilized dentures both provide several benefits over standard dentures. Secure in the mouth—no slipping Furnishes up to 100% natural chewing function Upper denture doesn’t cover as much of the palate This helps patients taste food more easily. (Hooray!) More comfortable When dentures are fixed…
Geriatric dentistry
Dentistry and the Graying of America
The American population is getting older. There are now more older citizens, proportionately, than ever before. Social scientists believe we are on the verge something has never happened: within the next twenty years, older adults will outnumber younger people.[1] Special Needs Dentistry Interested in more Special Needs Dentistry posts from the Center for Dental Anesthesia?…
Aging and Dentistry
A wise person once said that while everyone wants a long life, no one wants to be old. But of course, aging happens to us all. Thanks to improved healthcare, it is projected that one of every five Americans will be in the sixty-five-and-older age group by 2030.[1] Special Needs Dentistry Interested in more Special…