Dental Treatment for Medically Complex Cases
Various medical conditions can make certain dental procedures more complex. Some patients are unable to travel outside a hospital setting to receive treatment.
Patients with compromised medical functions may be unable to complete standard dental care on their own or feel a heightened anxiety about the treatments they require. Some patients do not have the physical or mental capability to sit still through a lengthy procedure.
Patients who require medically complex case dentistry also need one-on-one attention in a relaxing dental environment. Dr. Mady and Dr. Geren are pleased to provide safe sedation dentistry to their patients with additional medical needs. With our caring, professional team and a full range of dental sedation options, anyone can receive the dental care they need.
Can I Receive Treatment?
At the Center for Dental Anesthesia, we offer convenient sedation options for patients who require a special needs dentist. Medical conditions that may necessitate qualified sedation dentistry include:
- Cancer.
- Diabetes.
- Kidney disease.
- Epilepsy or tremors.
- Respiratory disease.
- Allergies or reactions to medicines or local anesthesia.
- Anxiety, restlessness, depression, and neurological disorders such as PTSD.
- High blood pressure or heart problems, including stroke and cardiovascular disease.
We Can Help!
Our patients deserve compassionate care tailored to their distinct needs. In order to engage in medically complex case dentistry, we provide:
Personalized Pretreatment Assessments
We promise to go above and beyond expectations for your first consultation. Our assessments are extensively detailed with direct collaboration among our medical team, primary care physicians, and medical specialists.
Total Safety
We will constantly monitor our patients before, during, and after their dental procedures using the most advanced hospital-grade equipment to ensure medical safety and comfort at all times.
Exclusively Experts
We work with board-certified anesthesiologists who determine the safest means of anesthesia, which is personalized to each and every patient.
Single-Visit Dentistry
We strive to be efficient with a patient’s treatment time without compromising any current medical conditions.
To find out if a special needs dentist and advanced sedation dentistry methods are suitable for you, give us a call at the Center for Dental Anesthesia today. We look forward to giving you a pain-free dental experience.