Effective Dental Anesthesia
The Center for Dental Anesthesia with Dr. Mady and Dr. Geren provide effective dental sedation for Northern Virginia.
Are anxieties, allergies, or health complications keeping you or a loved one from achieving a perfect smile? Here at the Center for Dental Anesthesia in Alexandria, we place a special emphasis on unique patients who need dental sedation to achieve their best smile.
You probably already know that visiting your dentist is essential to prevent tooth loss, gum disease, and whole-body health consequences. Maybe you have already tried oral conscious or laughing gas sedation without success. Although both methods are useful, there are more dental anesthesia options you can try.
Types of Dental Anesthesia
If you’re tired of the discomfort or difficulty associated with dental anxiety, you need to find a few dental sedation professionals you can trust. Dr. Zeyad Mady and Dr. Geren and their entire team have undergone advanced sedation training to be certified to the highest level of dental anesthesia assistance. We provide hospital-grade anesthesia for an excellent experience.
Dental IV Sedation
The next step towards an easy and comfortable dental experience is IV sedation. This type of sedation, or “twilight sleep,” helps you feel comfortable and calm during dental procedures. IV sedation will make your procedure pass quickly while producing minor memory loss, so you may not recall the details.
General Dental Anesthesia
General anesthesia allows you to lose consciousness so you cannot feel or see anything going on throughout the procedure. We provide a breathing mask and careful monitoring programs for patients who select general anesthesia. With general anesthesia, you are fully asleep, and you can wake up with a gorgeous and healthy smile.
Here at the Center for Dental Anesthesia in Alexandria, we believe that you should be able to wake up with a smile. It is possible to have a peaceful and pain-free dental procedure when you have qualified sedation dentists on your side! If you or a loved one suffers from dental phobia, mental health complications, disabilities, or allergies, come see us for unparalleled dental anesthesia.
Children, adolescents, and adults in the Alexandria, Northern Virginia, and Washington, DC areas can come to us for quality dental sedation. Contact us today to schedule your consultation with Dr. Zeyad Mady, DDS.